Al-Mustansiriyah University: On Cypresses Cones as Antibacterial Extract

The joint research team in the College of Pharmacy, University of Al-Mustansiriyah, Mrs. Rasha Abdul Kareem Abdul Qader, Mrs. Zahra Abd Alillah and Mrs. Noor Mohsen Nasser conducted a joint study on the effectiveness of anti-bacterial and oxidizing cypresses cones. The joint team said that the joint study aimed at extracting cones of cypress by ethanol and hexane, followed by acetone water, as well as reviewing the plant's pharmacological aspect and the effectiveness of using its extract as an anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant. The joint team, in which their joint study was published in the proceedings of the Second International Conference for Engineering Sciences and Applications in Scopus, reviewed many active compounds in the cypress plant, such as Tannin, Glucoside, Terpene, Flavonoid and Alkaloid. It is worth mentioning that the joint study concluded that all plant’s extracts have an inhibitory efficacy to the growth of different types of bacteria, compared to the vital antibiotic (ciprofloxacin), as well as their antioxidant effectiveness compared to vitamin (C).

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