Dr. Al-Aboudi Visits Entrepreneurship exhibitions at Wasit University, His Excellency Calls on Applying of Innovations, Patents & Integration with State’s Institutions

During a visit to the exhibitions of entrepreneurship, patents, technological incubators, industrial models and engineering equipment at the College of Engineering, Wasit University, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi stressed on the importance of university institutions and their scientific and research centers achieving the highest level of acceleration in performance that keeps pace with the progress made in the global knowledge environment.

Dr. Al-Aboudi praised the scientific efforts made by the faculty members and students of the College of Engineering and their access to patents indicating that they have the capabilities that contribute to the university’s upgrading and the rise of its scores in the international rankings.

His Excellency called on the public and private sectors to employ and apply innovations and scientific research carried out by faculty members and researchers in universities according to the requirements of integration between institutions. 

It is worth to be mentioned that the exhibitions included industrial models, technological incubators, patents, laboratory devices, engineering equipment and scientific writings by faculty members and students of the College of Engineering at Wasit University.

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