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  During a participation in the 2nd Badong International Geo-Hazards Symposium (BIGS2019), Badong –Chinese, a research team from Iraqi universities won the third score award on. The research aimed at determining the behavior of pipes under the influence of different dynamic loading conditions in order to reduce the risk of the impact of dynamic loads in buried pipes. The research reviewed the results of practical tests on a small diameter plastic tube buried in sandy soil boosted with terrestrial cells as well as the dynamic load of the compounds was simulated by shedding a load on an iron plate placed above the surface of sandy soil and using a material model constructed for this purpose. The research included a number of tests on 52 laboratory models examined on dry and saturated sandy soils to study the behavior of sandy soils armed with terrestrial cells under the influence of dynamic loads. It is worth mentioning that the research team consisted of the faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Technology, Dr. Mohammad Yousef Fattah, the faculty member in University of Karbala, Mr. Walaa Basim Mohammed Ridha and the faculty member in China University of Earth Sciences and Ph.D. student, Mr. Ammar Mahdi Mohammed.

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