Dr. Al-Aboudi Tours Colleges of Medicine and Law,  Al-Nahrain University, His Excellency Stresses On Importance Of University in Meeting Goals Of Sustainable Development

During a tour to Colleges of Medicine and Law at Al-Nahrain University, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi stressed on the importance of completing the requirements of the necessary educational environment and the success of the academic process and its components related to inputs, operations and outputs, as well as modernizing the infrastructure in these colleges in order to raise the levels of university performance.

Dr. Al-Aboudi reviewed with a number of students and faculty members in the Colleges of Medicine and Law the importance of strengthening the course of scientific research and praising the participation of professors and researchers of these two Colleges in the field of global publishing within the discreet collections.

His Excellency highlighted a detailed explanation with the administration of the two Colleges and their future plans to achieve the requirements of sustainable development.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Al-Aboudi also toured the internal departments, visited a number of specialized laboratories and libraries, as well ad attending a scientific discussion of a master's dissertation in the field of law.

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