AATU: On Spiral Stomach Germ’s Latest Treatment

Technical Institute – Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University delivered a lecture on the most important developments in the treatment of spiral germs, the Faculty Member in the Institute, Dr. Shokriah Shadhan Al-Oqaili said. Dr. Al-Oqaili added that the lecture reviewed developments in the diagnosis and treatment of spiral germ, which is one of the most widespread microbes in the world, and the characteristics of these bacteria as a type of peptic ulcer disease, which occurs as a result of an imbalance between the harmful factors of H. pylori and membrane defense mechanisms mucous of the stomach. Dr. Al-Oqaili demonstrated that the lecture highlighted the different causes of the spread of spiral germ in the advanced countries, the most important of which are the weakness of methods of disinfection, sterilization, personal care, lack of community medical awareness, contamination of water, food and other methods of infection, as well as reviewing symptoms of stomach ulcers, transmission methods and health effects in humans.

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