Dr. Al-Aboudi Meets Russian Ambassador & His Excellency Stresses Developing Cooperation’s Importance Between Both Sides’ Universities

 His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi met the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Baghdad, Mr. Elbrus Kotrashev and his accompanying delegation.


Dr. Al-Aboudi stressed the importance of bilateral academic relations and developing their contexts in light of the areas of understanding, cooperation and common interest between universities according to the scientific requirements under which the institutions of the two friendly countries operate.


His Excellency reviewed the direction of Iraq and its specialized institutions to implement the zero nuclear reactor project, which will give significant scientific momentum to train students and complete specialized educational research in Iraqi universities.


For his part,  Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Mr. Elbrus Kotrashev appreciated the interest of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its institutions in scientific cooperation with Russian universities and developing academic relations that suit the history and antiquity of the relation between Baghdad and Moscow.

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