Al-Mustansiriyah University’s 9th Conference

In which held in cooperation with Iraqi Hematology Society, During the 9th scientific conference of the Center of Hematology, University of Al-Mustansiriyah reviewed the importance of benefiting from researches to improve the level of diagnostic tools and therapeutic services provided to patients of various blood diseases and promote health aspect in Iraq, President of the University, Dr. Hamid Fadhil Al-Tamemi said. Dr. Al-Tamemi added that the center provides researches and training services for students of university and postgraduate in all specialties of hematology and providing treatment for thousands of patients annually. Dr. Al-Tamemi continued by saying that the conference highlighted the continuation of the implementation of plans aimed at developing of scientific laboratories to provide the center with the latest equipment and materials that used in laboratories of developed countries. Dr. Al-Tamemi highlighted that the conference also reviewed a number of scientific researches in the field of the developments of diagnosis of blood diseases, immunotherapy for cancers of blood and bone marrow, ways of dealing with acquired and hereditary bleeding, lymphoma and hereditary anemia, subtle pathological conditions and how to treat them as well as reviewing future vision on treating blood diseases. It is worth mentioning that the conference recommended unifying the efforts of treating blood cancers, supporting applied researches in this field, meeting the needs of blood diseases and cancers to establish a national database, focusing on the programs related to hemophilia, thalassemia and bone marrow transplants and strengthening cooperation between the Ministries of higher education and Health to provide medical staff with high efficiency.

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