Al-Mustansiriyah University’s Ph.D. Thesis: On Technique of Filtering Apectral Data To Solve Problem of Determining Ultraviolet Spectra

College of Science, University of Al-Mustansiriyah discussed a Ph.D. thesis on the technique of filtering spectral data to solve the problem of determining the ultraviolet spectra of aromatic hydrocarbons by the postgraduate student, Mr. Ziyad Khalaf Nasser Al-Abadi.

The thesis aimed at developing a new algorithm to correct the basic components of the aromatic hydrocarbons spectra data from distortions that occur during the processing of spectral data.

The thesis reviewed a mechanism for implementing a new mathematical algorithm using the MATLAB program, analyzing gas mixtures and processing spectral data without any distortion or loss of the basic components.

The thesis concluded that the proposed method succeeded in removing the background fluorescence and preserving the structure of the basic components.

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