Dr. Al-Esa Tours Al-Iraqia University, Meets Students

His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Abdul Jalel Al-Esa toured Al-Iraqia University, met its faculty members and students and reviewed the educational process at the university. Dr. Al-Esa reviewed with the Presidents of the University Dr. Ali Al-Jobouri and a number of Deans of its colleges updating curricula, dormitories reality, hosting displaced students, strengthening the national unity among students and obliging with the international criteria in publishing researches in the international journals. His Excellency confirmed on the importance of concerted efforts of the faculty members in facing all challenges in order to accelerate the educational process in Iraq. Dr. Al-Esa toured a number of the laboratories, inaugurated the Deanship of the College of Dentistry’s building besides a number of medical clinics, digital language laboratory for computers for radio and TV broadcasting in the College of Arts and Language Laboratory in the College of Education for Women.

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