Dr. Al-Aboudi Launches (Study in Iraq) Project To Admit Foreign Students In Universities

During the second meeting of the Advisory Board, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi announced on launching of (Study in Iraq) project to admit foreign students in Iraqi universities.

Dr. Al-Aboudi directed all universities to facilitate the procedures for admitting foreign students in university and postgraduate studies and to complete the requirements of the project related to create websites for registering foreign students wishing to study in the specialties that will be announced soon.

His Excellency said that this pioneering project (Study in Iraq) comes in the context of the integration of academic reputation, scientific research, discreet publishing and the quality of the educational environment represents a deliberate trend to achieve the steps of Iraqi universities in occupying their usual scores after they adopted the Bologna Process, obtained top ranks in the international rankings and recorded a clear score in the scientific publishing index within the discreet capacities, as well as expanding in the fields of international cooperation and memorandums of academic understanding with international institutions and universities.

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