Higher Education Announces on Forty-Seven Iraqi Universities & Colleges Obtain Top Scores in Times Ranking for Sustainable Development

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced on that forty-seven Iraqi universities and colleges obtained top competitive scores  in  Times Sustainable Development Ranking for 2022, which included 1,406 institutions from 106 countries around the world. Higher Education reviewed that the official published results (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/rankings/impact/2022/overall#!/page/0/length/25/locations/IRQ/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats ) demonstrated an increase in the number of Iraqi universities and colleges that obtained top scores in the Times Ranking for Sustainable Development reached forty-seven, topped by University of Basrah, which ranked 301-400 globally, Babylon University (401-600) and Baghdad University (401-600),  Al-Mustaqbal University College obtained (801-600). 1000). It is worth mentioning that the British Times Ranking for Sustainable Development works on evaluating universities by achieving a number of United Nations goals out of 17 goals, such as quality of education, health and well-being, partnerships, industry and innovation.

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