Higher Education, Elsevier Foundation Announce On Official Global Publishing Partnership

His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi said that “As a confirmation of its policy of managing and developing scientific research aspects and enabling its universities, faculty members and researchers to publish internationally, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces on the official agreement and partnership with the international Elsevier Foundation, according to an academic and scientific aspect that has studied dimensions, details and goals”.

Dr. Al-Aboudi confirms that the Iraqi academic institution is continuing to implement its strategy and programs in order to be an active part in the global research environment and its accredited institutions, especially (Elsevier), which officially announced its partnership (spkl.io/60144YKv0) with the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to enhance academic excellence and access to Scopus publications for all students, faculty members and researchers in Higher Education’s institutions in Iraq.

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