Iraqi Higher Education, Huawei in Academic Cooperation

During a ceremony of Huawei ICT Skills Competition, Directorate of Research and Development, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched the Huawei ICT Skills Competition for 2019-2020, Higher Education’s Advisor, Dr. Mosa Al-Mosawi said. Dr. Al-Mosawi added that the competition was allocated for the university’s students of the second stage and postgraduates of Master’s degree in the specialties of (Information and Communication Technology, Computer and Software Engineering and Computer Science). Dr. Al-Mosawi reviewed that the applicants should not be more than 30 years of age and should have good English language in order to be well trainers for the company in Iraq. Dr. Al-Mosawi highlighted that the Iraqi team won the first score for 2018 in the competition Huawei skills of communication and information technology of the Middle East, which took place in China. Dr. Al-Mosawi also reviewed that the submission will be via ( and not after the 10th of September 2019. Dr. Al-Mosawi continued by saying that the ceremony was attended by Ministry’s Deputy for Scientific Affairs and International Relations, Dr. Salam Hasan Khoshnaw,  Director General of Research and Development, Dr. Ghasan Hameed Abdul Majeed and the Representative of the Ministry of Higher Education in the Kurdistan, Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, Deputy of the Ministry of Communications, Dr. Karim Mazal , Representatives of the Chinese Embassy to Iraq and Huawei Branch of Iraq and a number of Advisers and General Directors in the Ministry. For his part, the representative of the Communications and Media Commission, Adel Salman, said that the Commission is keen on supporting the scientific competitions that in line with the new horizons in the ICT sector and with the goals of achieving sustainable development and economic growth in Iraq as well as the competition Huawei Middle East for 2018 revealed a lot of talents in the region with great energies and success levels.

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