Kufa University: On DNA & Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

College of Agriculture, University of Kufa organized an online workshop on detecting of DNA with implementing the Agarose Gel Electrophoresis via Free Conference Call, the Faculty Member in the College, Dr. Ali Saeed Al-Janabi said. Dr. Al-Janabi added that the online workshop reviewed benefiting of electrophoresis, factors that control the DNA molecules in the gel, the composition of the agarose gel and how to prepare it for the process of electrophoresis, as well as gel pigmentation and read the results via using the UV Trans illuminator. Dr. Al-Janabi continued by saying that the online workshop also reviewed the important electrophoresis technique in separating and diagnosing DNA segments and the tools that must be provided for the purpose of electrophoresis in the agarose gel.

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