Al-Mustansiriyah University: On SPSS Software

College of Pharmacy, University of Al-Mustansiriyah delivered a lecture on the statistical research software of SPSS and the main principles of the scientific statistics. The lecture, in which a number of faculty members and postgraduates participated, reviewed statistical software (SPSS), which works in Windows environment and is one of the most important programs used in conducting scientific research statistics for graduates and researchers and methods of installing the software with the latest version besides reviewing the latest developments and changes in the SPSS software. The lecture highlighted methods of controlling data that should be entered in the software of SPSS during conducting scientific research, methods of describing the nominal and quantitative variables and graphical representation, how to draw graphs of various types and to conduct multiple statistical tests to be used in the research applications. The lecture also reviewed the main principles to be observed in the medical statistics and the role of the SPSS software in obtaining accurate scientific results by entering data on the number of the sample of the research and their age, gender and diseases and the readings of the analysis of people with diseases and non-infected. The lecture included reviewing the importance of SPSS software in collecting information and data related to scientific research methods and the tools it provides to contribute to the process of evaluating, analysis and access to the explanatory results of the assumptions presented by the researcher, where the software describes the variables and disseminate the reached results to the study population.

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