Al-Mustansiriyah University’s Master’s Dissertation: On Pharmacokinetic Study & Antibacterial Efficacy of Jasmine Plant

College of Pharmacy, University of Al-Mustansiriyah discussed a master dissertation on the pharmacokinetics and anti-bacterial activity of the false Jasmine plant grown in Iraq by the postgraduate student, Mr. Hammam Luay Qusay. The dissertation aimed at studying the effect of the microscopic and morphological characteristics of the Iraqi plant, examine the components of the leaves and determine their type through special analyzes of the various plant extracts, confirm their presence and isolate them from the plant, as well as comparing the ethanolic extract of the plant with the antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) in terms of effectiveness Bacterial on different types of bacteria. The dissertation demonstrated that the phenotypic characteristics of the Iraqi plant distinguish it from the plant cultured in other soils by the presence of radial cells from the stomata and multicellular and non-branching non-glandular hairs in the plant cultured in Iraq, in addition to many flavonoids compounds in the ethyl acetate extract, while the result of the bacterial activity of the ethanolic extract is effective.

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