Dr. Al-Aboudi Announces on Launching of  Admission System for Foreign Students within  “Study in Iraq” Program, UNESCO Praises The Initiative & Its Harmony with Efforts of The International Organization

During a special ceremony of launching Study in Iraq initiation, in which attended by representatives of missions and international organizations, university presidents and deans of public and private colleges, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi announced on launching of the electronic system for providing foreign students with scholarships within the Study in Iraq program.

Dr. Al-Aboudi emphasized on the Ministry’s keenness on attracting international students and providing climates for cultural exchange stems from its ambition, vision and policy regarding the importance of enhancing the academic reputation of Iraqi universities, which are now competing with their counterparts in the region and the world within the field of ​​international ranking, as well as the rise of their index in the fields of scientific research and global publishing which is a major part of the environment of openness and partnership.

His Excellency added that the scholarship program (Study in Iraq) offered by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its universities will provide more opportunities for academic, research, training and practical partnerships between Iraqi universities and their counterparts in the world, as well as creating opportunities for cooperation and cultural diversity, exchanging of experiences and twinning programs and the completion of research, studies, theses and dissertations and achieving communication and interaction to enrich the knowledge output, modernization and development of curricula according to the requirements of quality and international standards.

His Excellency continued by saying that the public and private university institutions, which numbers are more than a hundred, will be added to vital projects under study, represented in the establishment of new universities that take their identity from specialties that serve the goals of sustainable development in Iraq.

For his part, Ministry’s Deputy for Scientific Research Affairs, Dr. Haidar Abd Dhahad, delivered a comprehensive presentation of the details of the application system for the Study in Iraq program (https://studyiniraq.scrdiraq.gov.iq), as well ad highlighting the importance of this initiative, which will open the way for enhancing academic reputation and cultural exchange among Iraq and the countries of the region and the world.

For his part, Head of UNESCO Office in Iraq,  Mr. Paolo Fontani praised the initiative launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to provide scholarships for the foreign students.

Mr. Fontani added that it represents an important starting point for restoring the positive image of the Higher Education sector and providing a climate for the development of knowledge, industrial, economic and social sciences.

Mr. Fontani praised the clear progress in the field of Higher Education in Iraq.

Mr. Fontani added that this initiative is in line with UNESCO's efforts to spread education and make it international according to international standards.

Mr. Fontani stressed on that the UNESCO supports this aspect and thanks the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for launching this program and that it is working with the Ministry and its universities to support its educational programs and to consolidate and update curricula, especially in the field of technical education, as well as praising the  distinguished role of the Ministry and its interaction with UNESCO and its efforts in the development of Higher Education.

For his part, Secretary-General of the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, Dr. Abdul Majeed Bin Muhammad Al-Habib Benamara congratulated His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi for launching this initiative, which he described it as bold because of its value and impact on attracting foreign students, the quality of the educational process and scientific research, the results of international rankings, and providing of an opportunity to study in Iraqi universities that have a great historical extension.

For his part, the representative of the Network of Iraqi Scientists Abroad, Dr. Adel Sharif highlighted that the “Study in Iraq” initiative and its program as a measure of the required development and progress.

Dr. Sharif stressed on the Network’s readiness on supporting the initiative, which marks the civilizational depth of Iraq and its educational institutions.

Dr. Al-Aboudi concluded the launching ceremony of the “Study in Iraq” program by honoring the President of the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq and the Head of the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Engineering in Iraq, as well as the Medical Colleges that obtained the specialized program accreditation in the Universities of Baghdad, Kufa, Al-Nahrain, Basrah, Karbala and Wasit, as well as the Al-Kindi College of Medicine, University of Baghdad and the Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Department, University of Technology, which obtained the programmatic accreditation.

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