Dr. Al-Aboudi Inaugurates Scientific Products Exhibition at Baghdad University

During inaugurating the exhibition of scientific products at the University of Baghdad, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi urged on promoting of applied research and innovations that serve the community.

Dr. Al-Aboudi reviewed various technical galleries of the colleges and owners of innovations and those in charge of scientific productions, especially in the industrial, engineering, health, agricultural, energy, renewable energy, sports and artistic activities, and science.

His Excellency called on developing of the applied research environment and promoting of practical innovations that serve the community and benefit from it to achieve the required integration with Ministries and institutions and to invest in  products by universities.

Dr. Al-Aboudi praised the researchers and innovators of the university's staffs, colleges and students, as well as the interest by the specialized departments in observing quality and keeping pace with scientific changes.

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition was attended by the Ministry’s Deputy for Scientific Research Affairs, President of the University of Baghdad, Deans of the Colleges, Heads of branches and departments, researchers and students.

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