Dr. Al-Aboudi Meets Syrian Ambassador, His Excellency Reviews Aspects of Joint Scientific Cooperation Between Iraq & Syria

During a meeting with the Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to Iraq, Mr. Sattam Jadaan Al-Dandah, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi reviewed aspects of scientific and academic cooperation between the two countries.

Dr. Al-Aboudi highlighted the Ministry and its universities’ keenness on developing bilateral cooperation with the institutions of Arab countries, including the Syrian Arab Republic, especially after launching the project and initiative (Study in Iraq), which opens the way for more interaction and scientific and cultural exchange.

His Excellency added that one of the priorities of the approved programs by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is to benefit from academic and scientific experiences and expertise and to consolidate joint work that supports the fields of developing the Higher Education sector.

For his part, Dr. Al-Dandah expressed his high appreciation for the policy and vision of the Iraqi Higher Education.

Dr. Al-Dandah highlighted the Syrian universities’  readiness on enhancing joint cooperation and supporting the pioneering initiative launched by His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr.  Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi on attracting foreign students, holding scientific conferences and exchanging university programs and experiences.

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