Karbala University’s 8th International Conference

During its 8th international online conference via zoom, College of Science, University of Karbala reviewed enhancing scientific and technological progress in the serving community, addressing problems and providing an opportunity for researchers and those interested in the fields of science and technology to exchange ideas in various scientific specialties and research field, as well as the revolution of electronic information that the world is witnessing, President of the University, Dr. Basim Al-Seaidi said. Dr. Al-Seaidi continued by saying that the conference reduced the crisis of COVID-19 via laboratory studies in the virus transportation medium industry and conducting experiments to determine treatment and vaccine, as well as manufacturing of medical supplies for the crisis. For his part, dean of the college, Dr. Jassim Al-Awadi said that the holding of this conference added a new scientific achievement in term of the number and nature of researches, method and mechanism in dealing with them via adopting an electronic system in a complete manner from the moment the research is sent by researchers to be accepted it or not and return it to researchers to make adjustments to it and then send it back to the conference for participation. Dr. Al-Awadi added that the conference addressed the problems facing the various sectors in the technological field, especially in chemistry, physics, biology and computer sciences. It is worth mentioning that the conference, in which 250 researchers participated, was held entitled scientific and technological progress as an indicator of the prosperity and development of countries.

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