Lebanon Hosts Iraq

The faculty member in Department of International Law, University of Baghdad, Dr. Luma Abdul Baqi participated in the 6th Arab Moot Court in 2019, Lebanon The participation reviewed selecting Dr. Abdul Baqi as a court president in a number of sessions and right judge in other sessions. The participation also reviewed that Dr. Abdul Baqi was honored by the President of the Administrative and Executive Center of the Arab Court of Law Competition in Kuwait and Dean of the College of Law, Political Sciences and Administrative Sciences, Lebanese University as well as honoring her with a symbolic souvenir representing the Cedrus libani as a recognition of her outstanding efforts in this competition. It is worth mentioning that the competition was attended by 17 universities of the 13 Arab countries of Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon and Iraq.

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