Al-Musayyab Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University discussed a Ph.D. thesis on the growth and yield responses of three potato varieties to foliar feeding with the addition of organic matter by the postgraduate student, Ms. Hiba Ali Hussein.
The thesis aimed at reducing chemical fertilizers, protecting the environment and improving the quality and yield of potato tubers through the use of rice compost waste.
The thesis demonstrated the superiority of the Borin variety when treated with rice compost waste and microcarbonate foliar nutrient water, as well as achieving the best average marketable yield of potatoes, resulting in a significant increase in the quality parameters studied during the fall season compared to the spring season.
The thesis recommended implementing of other varieties and comparing them with the study varieties, as well as the future studies were also recommended adding other types of organic waste to promote a culture of clean agriculture, free from harmful pathogenic pollutants.
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