Samarra University’s Ph.D. Thesis on Effectiveness of Fermented Squill Fruit Extracts & Inhibition of Microbial Isolates from Patients with Respiratory Tract Infections

College of Education, Samarra University discussed a Ph.D. thesis on the effectiveness of fermented squill fruit extracts using some therapeutic probiotics and the inhibition of microbial isolates from patients with respiratory tract infections by the postgraduate student, Mr. Aqeel Majid Ahmed.

The thesis reviewed the isolation and identification of bacterial species from respiratory tract patients, determining their resistance, and estimating the components of the squill fruit extract (Cardia myxa) and identifying its active ingredients, as well as isolating and identifying of species of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus) and evaluating their effectiveness as therapeutic probiotics besides fermentation of the squill extract was performed using the isolated therapeutic probiotics.

The thesis concluded that among 120 sputum and pharyngeal swabs samples from patients with respiratory diseases, the incidence of respiratory diseases for both sexes was 41.7%, which is the highest rate for ages (36-45), specifically among males, while Rhamnus and Plantarum recorded the highest resistance to bile salts and that the aqueous extract of the fruit of the rumen, bio-enriched with Rhamnus bacteria, recorded the highest inhibition rate against K. pneumonia bacteria.

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